Norwenglish by Petter Solberg
Några engelska citat som uttalats av den norska rallystjärnan Petter Solberg:
I had a very big fart, and suddenly I fucked off the road
I had a stop in the start
I had to go off the road, to save the car
It wåss dæven døtte meg close ass. well well, we have to see how the rest of the race go
I drove over the hill
I`m driving round the corner, and crash in the Christmas tree
It`s not the fart that kills you, it`s the smell
I had bad pigs in my dekk
It was a moose in the engine
But but, it is`t only only you know
It was so much dog on the windows
It`s not only only, but but
He is my wife in the car ehhh.... No sex
I drived and then it was a sving and a sving til, så a stein and pang, I drived rett in the juletre
When I keim around the corner it all went to Hælvette
The car understyrt and I was going strait fram
I came with a great fart and dishappered as a prick in the sky
I`m slædding utafor the kænt
I just take full fart and drive
Förrutom att han ständigt kommer med citat som de här ovan verkar han också vara glad för jämnan. Förmodligen en ganska kul kille att umgås med.
Im a verry hell of petter solgerg! He drives with a very high fart and releases the goat at the right time. It wasaap a cow in my backseat!